


Českou verzi formuláře naleznete na této stránce.


1) Choose the desired day in the calendar below and choose the number of players (your final price depends on it).

2) Choose an available time slot by the game you want (grey-coloured slots are already occupied, the pink ones are free). Fill the form and use a voucher if applicable.

3) Click Book, you'll be redirected to a payment gateway. After making the payment, your game is booked and we'll send a booking confirmation to your email inbox.

Booking 10. 02. 2025
It is not possible to make an online booking on this day. If you wish to play today, try calling us. :)

To make the booking, it is required to pay at least a deposit of 990 CZK.

NOTE: We prefer the whole amount to be paid beforehand. If you cancel your booking at least 24 hours before its beginning, we'll refund the whole payment back. :-)

If you have a physical gift voucher, it is necessary to bring it with you.